About Me

First, let’s be clear: I’m not the former “Entertainment Tonight” co-host, despite my name. So if you found my site while searching for her, try again. 

Who I am is a published author of a sweet Christmas tale (complete with angels and a pink T-Rex); a haunted house/love story; a T-Rex tale (shocking) set in the 1980s; and a guide to warehouse automation; a full-time senior content marketing manager for the best robotics company out there; one of the top females in sales according to SalesHacker’s list, despite not working in sales (thank you!); and a Pink T-Rex. (Okay, about that last one…  I did this to lift spirits during the pandemic. Curious? You can see Pinky T-Rexadero attempt to hug a tree here. And yes, that’s a post on my LinkedIn profile. My connections know I’m creative/quirky.)

A Graceful Christmas

Freelance Writing, Editing, and Content Marketing Consulting:

If you found your way here from meeting me and hearing about Mary Hart Writing & Editing, welcome. You can view my recent and past work here


Content Marketing Certification

Some Horrific Evening:

If you’re here because of my book, Some Horrific Evening, thanks for being interested! I hope you’re loving the book and will leave a review when you’ve read it.

Where to Buy My Book:

Video and Audio Appearances:

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